Posts Tagged ‘Salmon’

Salmon Dill Summer Squash Dinner

This was such a wonderful little summer paleo meal, my stomach couldn’t be happier right now.  The scallop squash is stuffed with feta cheese (paleo cheating!), capers, fresh basil, and kalamata olives, and the baby crookneck squash was so sweet and flavorful, it defied any seasonings.

The salmon was grilled atop a cedar plank and a bed of dill, and is served on a bed of mixed local lettuces.  That’s lemon thyme and parsley sprinkled on the salmon.  A few slices of cucumber added crunch.  Awesome.  Just awesome!

Salmon Dill Summer Squash Dinner

The stuffed patty pan squash is so pretty!

Salmon Dill Summer Squash Dinner

Grilled Salmon

Smiths had fresh cedar-wrapped salmon and veggies on Manager’s Special yesterday, so I bought a package!  I wouldn’t normally pay the $11-$12 for this convenience, but their looming expiration date brought the price down to about $7.  I can get excited about that!  The veggies in the wrap appeared to be carrot and green bean, to which we added asparagus and thick turnip slices for a full Paleo dinner.

How long to grill Smiths Krogers cedar wrapped salmon

My griller man was a little worried because the wrap would prevent him from using the meat thermometer, so we Googled how long to grill cedar wrapped salmon.  The results came back as anywhere between 4 to 7 minutes per side, for a grand total of 8 to 14 minutes, on indirect heat.  We have a small cheapo gas grill with lava rocks, so we just turned the flame down as low as it would go and did six minutes on one side and seven minutes on the other.  The salmon ended up slightly overdone, but still moist and delicious thanks to the wrap, and besides – I prefer to cook my about-t0-expire fish as thoroughly as possible.